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To submit, please complete the Submission Form, and attach a Word or PDF file that includes your chapter summaries, as well as a Word or PDF file that includes the first fifty pages of your manuscript.


Formatting specifications include:

  • Double-spaced

  • Common font (Times; Times New Roman; Georgia)

  • 12-point font size

  • Page numbers included


Please label your file: LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_INITIALSUB. Do not send your entire manuscript.


CTP requires a non-refundable $75 submission fee in order to assess whether or not your work is ready for publication as well as a proper fit with CTP. Once you submit payment, you will receive an email confirmation that your submission has been received. Please allow two to four weeks for a response.


You can review CTP's process for a detailed outline of how our model works.


If we determine that your manuscript is ready for publication, we will email you a contract that includes all the details. If we determine your manuscript needs a bit more work, we will give you feedback and a recommendation for your next steps. 


Thank you for your interest.

For Anything Else, We're Right Here


Thank you for your inquiry! We will respond soon.

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